Mrs Wilkins


Mrs Wilkins

Mrs Wilkins
Mrs Wilkins
- So, Mrs Wilkins, what has been the main problem with the burst water main?
- Well, absolute despair! Can you imagine what it's like every time you open
  the front door? There's mud everywhere. And we have no water in the taps.
- Indeed, it sounds most frustrating. What is being done to resolve the problem
  at the moment?
- That's just it… not a lot! It's been too long now! The workmen seem to come
  and go, but nothing is getting fixed.
- Haven't you complained?
- Of course… we've done nothing else but complain! We need help and quickly.
- And the neighbours? Isn't everyone in the same situation?
- Yes… but, you know, it's amazing how everybody helps each other at a time
  like this.