I would like to visit...
To want, to like, to be interested in...
The Van de Velde family has planned their day out. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
with the following verbs: to want, to (would) like, to be interested in... (or their negative form).

For example:

Florence says: Yes,... and I thought we might take a picnic if the weather is good.
What does Florence actually say?
Florence: I want to take a picnic.
De Van de Velde familie heeft hun dagje uit gepland. Luister naar de dialoog en beantwoord de vragen
met de volgende werkwoorden: willen, graag willen, geïnteresseerd zijn in... (of hun negatieve vorm).


Florence zegt: Ja,... en ik dacht dat we een picknick zouden kunnen meenemen als het weer goed is.
Wat zegt Florence eigenlijk?
Florence: Ik wil picknicken.

Paul says: And why not visit the famous White Horse of Wiltshire on the way?
What does Paul actually say?
Ellen says: Well, that's sounds like a waste of time to me.
What does Ellen actually say?
Lisa says: And don't forget the house. It's full of priceless antiques… or is it a castle?
                Anyway, that's what I want to visit, while you and Ellen get lost in the maze…

What does Lisa actually say?