(naar de film gaan, naar theater gaan)

(DO homework = huiswerk MAKEN)

(gaan lunchen)

(Ik nodig je uit voor het middagmaal op zondag.)
(Ik ga één keer per maand wandelen.)
(Ga je 's namiddags?)
(Neen, ik ga gewoonlijk 's avonds.)
Simple present - regular verbs
= infinitive without 'to' for I, you, we, they.
= infinitive without 'to' + S for he, she, it.

Simple present - 'to go', to do' = infinitive without 'to' + ES for he, she, it
go to the cinema. She goes to the theatre.          
do our homework. He does his homework too.

Simple present - 'to have' = 'has' for he, she, it
have lunch. She has lunch as well.  

“English Breakfast” = eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, baked beans, toast, tea…
(eieren, spek, worstjes, tomaten, boontjes, toast, thee... )

- I invite you
for lunch on Sunday.
- I go
for a walk once a month.
- Do you go
in the afternoon?  
- No, I usually go
in the evening.