Conjunctions and clauses
Conjunctions are words that can join sentences.
For example: She went home
because she was angry. = Ze ging naar huis omdat ze moe was.
Other conjunctions: and, as, if, that, so, when, why, where, how, what...
and =
en = I like it and I want it.
as =
aangezien = We can walk to the station as the weather is very nice.  
how =
hoe = I don't know how he did it.
if =
of, als = If I come to your party, I will bring a present.
so =
  dus = I am working tomorrow, so I'll have to leave now.  
what =
wat = I don't know what I have to do!  
when =
wanneer = I feel happy when I'm walking.
where =
waar = I don't know where I'm going on holiday yet.

Future tense
Rule: will + infinitive (without to) OR 'll (= the contracted form of will) + infinitive (without to)
For example: to be => It
will be interesting. = Het zal interessant zijn.
For example: to find => I
'll find it. = Ik zal het vinden.
always =
altijd, good - better - best = goed - beter - best, careful = voorzichtig, safe = veilig,
to finish =
beëindigen, to save = sparen,