Mmm... It's so difficult to decide.
Can I help you, Florence?
Yes please, Brian. Which starter should I have?
Well, the Chicken Tikka is very good. Or you could try the Onion Bahjee.
What's the Chicken Tikka like? Is it very spicy?
It's quite spicy, but not too spicy. And it's quite sweet.
And what's the Onion Bahjee like?
The Onion Bahjee's very spicy.
Has it got any meat in it?
No, just vegetables.
Mmm. I don't know...
W1 Florence
M2 Brian
W1 Florence
M2 Brian

W1 Florence
M2 Brian
W1 Florence
M2 Brian
W1 Florence
M2 Brian
W1 Florence
