Susie's old flat
Susie's old flat
Susie, Florence's friend, wants to move. Read the description of her situation now.
Select the right words to make sentences that are true.
Susie, een vriendin van Florence, wil verhuizen. Lees de beschrijving van haar huidige situatie. Selecteer de juiste woorden zodat de zinnen kloppen.
Susie's old flat
Susie lives in an old flat in Littleton. The flat has one bedroom, a small living room, a cold bathroom and an old kitchen. She only pays £200 per month. That is very cheap. But she is not happy there. The flat is too small and too old. Now she has a good job so she has more money. She wants to move to another flat in Littleton. She can pay a maximum of £500 per month.
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